Sparkle Lighting
[/text_box] [ux_hotspot type=”product” prod_id=”1797″ bg_color=”rgb(255, 0, 0)” position_x=”20″ position_x__sm=”15″ position_y=”25″ position_y__sm=”10″ position_y__md=”15″] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”5″] [row_inner col_bg=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ padding=”10px 10px 10px 15px” depth=”2″]It’s time to Sparkle
Christmas is coming every year and we can feel its magic anytime. What better way to bring that magic inside the house but with the right new light? These fittings will help to add that sparkly feeling not just over this precious time but also throughout the year!
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner style=”collapse” width=”full-width” v_align=”middle” h_align=”center”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ padding=”10px 10px 0px 10px” align=”center” bg_color=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.72)” depth=”2″]Until Christmas Eve 2019
[ux_countdown size=”235″ color=”light” year=”2019″ day=”24″ time=”00:00″ t_min=”minutes” t_sec=”seconds”] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section bg_overlay=”rgb(184, 175, 160)” dark=”true” padding__md=”10px” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [row style=”collapse” v_align=”middle” h_align=”center” padding__md=”0px 10px 0px 10px”] [col span=”9″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”8″ padding=”5px 0px 0px 0px” align=”center”][/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”4″] [ux_image id=”7829″ image_size=”original” width__md=”100″ link=”#free-led-bulb-set”] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section bg_overlay=”rgb(184, 175, 160)” dark=”true” padding__md=”10px” visibility=”show-for-small”] [row style=”collapse” v_align=”middle” h_align=”center” padding__md=”0px 10px 0px 10px”] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”4″] [ux_image id=”9742″ image_size=”original” width__md=”100″ link=”#free-led-bulb-set”] [/col] [col span=”9″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”8″ padding=”5px 10px 0px 10px” align=”center”]All Lamps come inclusive with Free LED Bulb Set or integrated LED source for your convenience, so you don’t need to buy bulbs separately.
All Lamps come inclusive with Free LED Bulb Set or integrated LED source for your convenience, so you don’t need to buy bulbs separately.
[/col] [/row] [/section] [gap] [title style=”center” text=”Special Sparkling Lights Selection” tag_name=”h1″ icon=”icon-gift”] [section] [ux_products style=”normal” type=”masonry” width=”full-width” depth_hover=”4″ ids=”1797,4569,1703,907,4739,1356,5045,5054,5062,1700,1131,3877,3881,1180,1480,2096,878,1975,2039,4899,1074,1602,1600,1154,1720,1548,1566″] [/section] [section bg=”13390″ bg_pos=”48% 51%” parallax=”3″] [row h_align=”center”] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″ margin=”0px 0px -30px 0px” align=”center”] [ux_banner height=”400px” height__md=”600px” bg=”13388″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.2)” bg_pos=”50% 0%” parallax=”1″] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [gap height=”10px”]Give a shine to your room
[row_inner col_bg=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ padding=”10px 10px 10px 15px” align=”center” depth=”2″]Do you need the right light for your modern or traditional living or bedroom? You will find the right glam-light for your needs in this spectacular sale. Most of the fittings are in families so you can harmonize the look of your entire room. Even if you are thinking to give a shine to your bathroom, don’t go any further, look for our IP44 items here.
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[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”400px” bg=”13396″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)” bg_pos=”45% 63%”] [text_box text_color=”dark” width=”100″ padding=”5px 30px 10px 30px” parallax=”-1″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”90″ bg=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.94)”]LED BATHROOM IP44 WALL BRACKET, CHROME, CLEAR CRYSTAL & GLASS BAR
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section] [ux_products style=”normal” type=”masonry” width=”full-width” depth_hover=”5″ ids=”1990,4985,5252,4939,1783,5025,1756,1563,1247,1883,1274,13024,5541,5082,1868,13116,894,896,3595,2098,1995,1266,1145,1149,1099,1101,1165,1168,1195,1376,1122″] [/section] [section visibility=”hidden”] [ux_products style=”normal” type=”masonry” width=”full-width” columns__md=”3″ depth_hover=”4″ products=”100″ tags=”11311″ orderby=”date”] [row] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”500px”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]This is a simple banner
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